Time comes in pieces -
Pieces of days
Pieces of nights
Pieces of weeks, of months, of years

Eternity does not come all at once
Or we would not enjoy it

It comes in pieces of seconds
Of minutes
Of hours

Eternity comes in pieces of moments
Moments of depth and pain
Moments of joy and experiencing
Of learning and growing and gain.

- Che Chidi Chukwumerije


Talk to the clouds
As you would talk to a departed friend
As you would write to a distant lover
As you would whisper to your future
Quietly within your heart.

For they are dreams
Gathering on the roof of your destiny
And they shall rain upon you
Or they shall disperse and quietly disappear –
Some are fulfilled, some are not. This is life.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije


One of the downsides of seeing through humanity
Is that nothing inspires or excites you anymore
Or fills you with a sense of expectation…
Because you always bear the sad certainty
Within you
Of knowing how things are going to end.

One of the upsides of seeing through humanity
Is that nothing disappoints and shocks you anymore
Or fills you with a sense of hopelessness…
Because you always bear the the quiet recognition
Through experiencing
Of knowing that things always re-start.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije