Once we were light
But the world weighed us down
Drowned out our cry of resistance
And put a bandage over our eyes

A desperate cry for help
Before we fell silent
And started to look silently at our children
The way once our parents looked at us

Now we know what they were thinking:
Retain your magic! Retain your lightness!
Even as they said to us worriedly:
You have to learn to fit into the system –

Knowing it was not the way
But knowing no other way
Or knowing it but not having the heart
To push us off the cliff –

Because not everybody grows wings
When falling through the gap.
The generation gap.
Now we watch our children worriedly

Wanting them to become like us
And wanting them to stay themselves too.
Once we were light
But the world weighed us down.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije


To be vulnerable is to be honest.
To be honest is to be vulnerable.
To be different is to be vulnerable to be honest.
To be different is to be honest to be vulnerable.
It is a strange place to be everytime
No matter how many times you go there.
Each time it feels different.
It requires bravery everytime.
Even when you‘re familiar with it
Still you never get used to it.
Because it is different. Everytime.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije

Footsteps On The Sands Of Time

Kwame Ekwueme Chukwumerije 1975 – 1995

Kwame, you would have turned 47 today, but that dream died a long time ago. You didn‘t even quite make it out of teenage.
But, brother, your few poems have long made it unto the pages of our hearts for all eternity, like footsteps on the sands of time.

Available on Amazon:
Footsteps On The Sands Of Time: (Poems)
– by Kwame Ekwueme Chukwumerije