
Which will be the first modern, post-colonial Black African country to become independent?
– To stand as a First World country in the midst of global leaders.
– To take the leap from extractive economy to highly productive, manufacturing, innovative and invention-leading economy.
– To develop and run a nation-wide, all-encompassing and unconditional Social Security scheme.
– To become an Export world champion, exporting not just natural resources, but finished products.
– To take its place at the cutting edge of technology and information technology.
– To become a favoured global destination for medical tourism and university education.
– To have a currency that rivals USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CNR.
– To develop and take a leading role in the building of a new economy and new industry around the concept of sustainability. Because that is the future.
– To entrench legally protected civil and human rights.
– To engender independent institutions of democracy.
– To defeat the evil of tribalism.
– To stop begging, taking and being dependent on foreign aid.
– To stop allowing foreign religions to drive it to hate, exploit, oppress or kill its fellow Africans.
– To stop producing economic Refugees in droves.
– To hold regular free and fair elections, free of rigging, where votes count.
– To hold its richest and most powerful accountable.
– To fight corruption impartially, and stand without exemptions under the Law.
– To eradicate extreme poverty, and democratise and ensure education and opportunity for all.
– To work tirelessly for peace and unity on the African continent.
– To push, power and perfect intra-African trade, tourism and transport to the same levels as on other continents and in other world regions.
– To have a modern, disciplined military focused on defense of borders and values, as well as upholding of peace, and not full of megalomaniac dreams of coup d‘etats and executive power all the time.
– To have a depoliticised Police Force that serves the people rather than being used against the people.
– To maintain a hardworking, well-functioning, digitalised, detribalised, highly educated Civil Service.
– To own its own narrative, with its own independent media, on the global stage.
– To become a global lender, instead of a global borrower and beggar.
– To export technology and new technology to the rest of the world.
– To have a power, economic and civil infrastructure that matches every other First World country‘s.
– To become one of the decision makers in the UN, in WEF, in the G8.
– To break the culture of waste, squander and exhibitionism.
– To support and grow small and medium-scale enterprises all over the country.
– To develop a large and economically virile middle class.
– To feed itself independently.
– To power itself independently.
– To ensure electricity 24/7.
– To become a center of future-birthing research and development.
– To become a part of the space community.
– To find its own local solutions to its own local, as well as global, challenges.
– To be a part owner, and controller, of the global market.
– To produce proud citizens who have greater opportunities in their own Black countries than they would in foreign countries where they are never fully accepted.
– To turn around the historical burden of slavery and colonisation, and transform it into global leadership.
– To stand as a First World country in the midst of global leaders.

Which will be the first Black African country to become REALLY INDEPENDENT?

This is the silent question that hangs unanswered in the global imagination of all humankind, and floats inchoate through the heart of everybody of Black African extraction anytime another Black African country celebrates its annual so-called Independence Day.

Today’s it’s Nigeria’s turn. Country of my birth. 1st October.
Happy Independence Day, Nigeria.
Or should I rather say:
Happy Future-Independence Day.

Because only Self-dependence, Self-reliance, is truly Independence.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije


The most powerful thing you can give people is confidence. Self-confidence. But some people, once they have it they turn around and use it against you, who awakened it in them.

Next time, you feel like leaving people wallowing in their pitiful inferiority complex.

But a part of you still goes ahead and keeps on strengthening people who need it everywhere you meet them. What they later do with this strength and self-confidence is their business.

You have done yours.

– Che Chidi Chukwumerije


Why was I born? Why were you born?
Into this Earth.

My birthday always makes me think. This year more than ever, I don‘t know why. The questioning thought: Everything I‘ve done in the last 48yrs, have they in any way really fulfilled the reason WHY I WAS BORN? Or have I up until now, in a deep subtle way, just been wasting my time? For I was not born in order to celebrate that birth annually. Viewed logically, that‘s a senseless feedback loop – unless augmented, nay, superseded, by a PURPOSE – and the fulfilment of that purpose – of my birth into this earth.

49 years ago, I was not here. I was not a part of this daily hustle and bustle, getting into cars and busses, voting in elections, raising kids, being earthy and doing the earthly. So, where was I? And why did I come here? Where were you before you were born? And why did you come here?

Every year the certainty that I‘m closer to my earthly death, to my departure. I just feel it, so strongly. That reduced distance. It‘s not just a piece of general knowledge that we all have: Everybody dies one day. Yes we all know this. But it is more than this. It‘s also a solid emotional perception, a physical presence that comes closer, that you can feel when you close your eyes and pay attention.

My birthday makes me think, not just of birth, but also of death.

My brother, Kwame, aged 19, died on my 21st birthday. It was a few weeks before his own 20th birthday. The person closest to me. Why did he come? Did he or did he not fulfil the purpose of it? And then he was gone again. It‘s a date we share, in life and death.

Life existed before we were born into it. It was perfect, already. Before we were created, Creation was already formed and perfect. This realisation makes me think and there is no end to this reflection. Just a clear line of perception – an intuitive perception:

You are not without a reason and not without a purpose, unless you fail – consciously or unconsciously – to discover that reason and that purpose; and then to – deliberately or instinctively – fulfil that reason and that purpose.

It‘s a serious and thought-provoking business meeting your birthday again, and still not knowing why. Or knowing if you’re fulfilling why, as best as you can. Year after year.

I don‘t need to celebrate my birthday. I need to reflect upon it.

Reflect before celebrate.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije
06. April 2022

Little Che – mid 1970s.


Every global problem comes with special extra dimensions of evil for Black people.

Blacks being prevented from escaping war in Ukraine. Thrown out of busses and trains. Refused entry at the Ukraine-Poland border. Many of them students. Some of them women with children.

BUT everybody wants easy access to the minerals under African soil.

War brings out the Ugliness – and the Truth – in humanity.

I feel pain. Because you want to help others. But does anybody want to help you?

You want to show solidarity with others. But no one wants to show solidarity with you.

– Che Chidi Chukwumerije


Ortsbeirat 5 (Liste 12) |
Kommunale Ausländervertretung KAV (Liste 5)
Wählergruppe: Bharat, IND
Kommunalwahl 14 März 2021, Frankfurt am Main

Wir sind Deutsche. Wir sind Menschen wie Ihr. Anstatt in Talkshows darüber zu debattieren, ob Ihr uns bestimmte Namen nennen dürft oder nicht, solltet Ihr lieber im wirklichen Leben mit uns allen darüber diskutieren, wie wir kraft unseres wunderbaren und eigenartigen Grundgesetzes Deutschland zur Vorzeige Nation machen können – gemeinsam.

Und das fängt so oft im Bezirk an, im Ort. Da erlebt man den demographischen Wandel, wenn man mit wachen Augen sich mit seinem Bezirk verbindet – und sieht ob seine Gesellschaft älter wird oder jünger, männlicher oder weiblicher, oder einfach diverser.

Dort spüren wir die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels direkt in unserem Privatleben. Und ob die Antwort der Politik auch Nachhaltigkeit enthält. Mehr oder weniger Plastik. Mehr oder weniger Bäume. Mehr oder weniger Fahradwege. Mehr oder weniger Autos. Welche Inzentive gibt es, um den Autos die Fahrer wegzulocken? Greifen sie?

Steigt die Zahl der Obdachlosen? Wieviele meiner Nachbarn sind arbeitslos? Was für Geschäfte gibt es bei mir? Wie geht es ihnen?
In wie fern ist unsere deutsche Kultur noch erlebbar, lokal?

Das lokale Geschehen bestimmt unser politisches Denken. Wie IST das Leben in unserem Bezirk? In allen Belangen.
Sauberkeit. Sicherheit. Lärm. Digitalisierung. Schulen. Hinkt die Schulpolitik der Realität hinterher? Im Übergang vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule, und von der Grundschule in die Weiterführende Schule, gibt es im Ort genug Plätze? Gibt es einen Trend weg vom Land oder zum Land zurück? Das erleben wir alles Lokal.

Was macht der Lockdown mit den Menschen? Was macht das ganze Coronageschehen mit der Gesellschaft? Auf gesundheitlicher, auf politischer, auf wirtschaftlicher, auf gesellschaftlicher, und auf persönlich-geistiger Ebene. Die Antwort begegnet Dir in Deiner Umgebung.

Unsere Politiker. Wer sind sie? Leben sie auch in der selben Gesellschaft wie wir? In den selben Bezirken? Erleben sie auch wirklich dasselbe lokale Geschehen, das unsere Realität ist? Sind auch sie den Auswirkungen ihrer politischen Entscheidungen ausgesetzt? Lokal. Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot und müssen alle zusammen ziehen.

Das sind die Art Themen, über die wir gerne diskutieren. Und nicht darüber, wie wir wahrgenommen werden, oder wie wir genannt werden sollen, oder wo wir denn wirklich herkommen.

Wir kommen aus Deutschland. Daher: nenn uns Deutsche.

Che Chukwumerije

Ortsbeirat 5 (Wahlvorschlag 12)
Kommunale Ausländervertretung / KAV (Wahlvorschlag 5)
Wählerliste: Bharat, IND
Kommunalwahl 14.03.2021, Frankfurt/Main


Che Chidi Chukwumerije

#deutschland #kommunalwahl2021 #Inklusion #Respekt #Menschen #kommunaleausländervertretung #Ortsbeirat #niederrad #oberrad #sachsenhausen #frankfurtsachsenhausen #sachsenhausenfrankfurt #frankfurtammain #Kommunalwahl #afrodeutsch #afrodeutsche #miteinanderstattgegeneinander #miteinanderNICHTgegeneinander #miteinander #Bharat #bharatind


It is an illusion that Government can save Nigeria. All government can do is more or less throw its weight behind either the fair redistribution of our national wealth or not.

This thing we call “our wealth” however is our biggest self-deception, because we did not create it and do not truly posess it. We simply take what Nature made and sell it and pocket the money without even giving any part of it back to nature.
We then stash away the bulk of this money and share a small part amongst ourselves and use the little rest for “business”. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is inventing itself AWAY from fossil fuels and a system dependent on it.

Real wealth or poverty lies in the ideas that bubble up in the mind. The only thing that can save Nigeria long term is twofold:
1. To learn to transform by ourselves the bulk of those raw materials stage by stage into the final world-class products that everybody else will need and will queue up to buy.
2. To become a scientifically inventing people and culture who already now think up and excute solutions for the time when oil has finished or become irrelevant. A people who don’t eternally leave the inventing of the future to foreigners. That kind of hardwork and industry awakens new virtues and powers in a people and a culture.

Any government that, in addition to meeting its fundamental security and human rights responsibilities, also supports, engenders and midwives this new path, is a government that truly understands and wants to solve the problem LONG TERM. Any other one is just implementing short-term measures, more or less effectively. But the real danger – eventual contextual Recolonialization – remains.

If the Federal Government cannot or will not do it, either because of ineptitude or corruption or bigotry, then each State Government has to step forward and do what is within its power in the service of modernising its citizens – mentally, morally, materially and technologically.

Even on the level of the Local Government – indeed especially on the level of the LG – can the push towards a transformation of the peoples and their conditions take place.

Going by the level of corruption and desperation and visionlessness on ground now, that might seem just like wishful thinking. But I believe events will make it incredibly obvious that we are marching straight back into subjugation – either at the hands of Islamic Imperialism via a hegemonic section of the Fulani power-holders assisted by their lackeys in the other tribes; or at the hands of White Western Supremacist economic, military and political control; or at the hands of rising Asian globalization of dominance spearheaded by the Chinese.

One way or the other we’re going to get it unless we become truly independent and the governments of the Nigerian peoples get right the two points mentioned above, and find a way to tie it into Panafricanism.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije


Human society needs a healthy mix of capitalism and socialism. Too much of either one has always proven to be bad.

Human society needs a healthy mix of faith and doubt. Too much of either one has always proven to be bad.

The world needs a healthy balance between “I” and “we”. Too much of either one has always proven to be bad.

We divide ourselves into “left” and “right”; and then we forget that left and right are the two legs on which that which is Human walks, balanced. They are not adversaries of one another; they are complementary to one another. Each must tolerate the other, for the sake of all.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije.


All power belongs to God, and only to God. If power is given to you, then you are just temporarily a vessel through which power in part will seek to fulfil the Will of God.

If you try to wield power and to bend it to your own will, and use it solely in service of your own ego and volition, then it will turn against you and destroy you, even if this destruction only becomes obvious to you after you have left this earth and it is too late to stop or reverse your self-destruction via power.

This is the worst kind of destruction, the one that becomes visible only after you have left the earth. You will have to come again as a baby and live a new life, to attempt to painfully undo the errors of the former.

Power is a very strange thing. It is not what you think it is. It is not what you see or think that you are seeing. What you see as power, no matter how obvious or subtle it may be, is just a temporary vessel through which power seeks to fulfil the Will of God. For all power belongs to God.

Che Chidi Chukwumerije.


It’s hard to get excited when you see through everyone and everything.
And also when you’ve seen through your own self to the core, it’s hard to whip up enthusiasm for things you know well are not you or yours. It’s like a kind of boredom.
Only your small simple little things satisfy your life now and you tend to just want to stick to them, whether the world says they’re right or wrong. They’re yours.

– Che Chidi Chukwumerije


Every shift in form takes a bit of attention away from content as the consciousness or subconscious seeks through a reappraisal of form, and an attempted understanding of the reason for the shift, to glimpse a hint at the current nature of content. So, the understanding of content – on its way from itself to itself – takes a detour via attention to and understanding of form.

– Che Chidi Chukwumerije